credits and shoutouts
these are all the people i stole ideas fromNotNite — for letting me use her source code for reference and helping me figure out Astro’s content collections.
selene — for being a great friend and also teaching me how to deploy websites.
Practical Typography by Matthew Butterick — for being an amazing resource in terms of making this site more readable, and a lot of design inspiration.
birdblitz — for drawing the favicon!
Atkinson Hyperlegible (font) — for being the best font ever.
Zilla Slab (font) — the serif/slab font used for this site.
IBM Plex (font family) — the monospace font used on this site. — for not being Google Fonts.
nottheme — the backend component for this site’s font switching.
Also check out:
This site’s source code — Don’t look at the sidebar component, it’s hideous.
A blank page — Uh huh.